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School Uniform

School Uniform: You can purchase new items of uniform online at www.skoolkit.co.uk

In addition, we have lots of items of good quality, preloved school uniform available. Please contact our Sarah from our School Association (PTA) for more details: 

runningsarah@hotmail.com     07453 328839

We strongly encourage all pupils to wear school uniform as this fosters a sense of belonging. Children are asked to come to school on PE days (usually 2 days each week) wearing PE kit. On other days, we ask children to wear uniform. Should you need assistance with providing items of school clothing for your child, please contact the school office: office@coldash.w-berks.sch.uk who will deal with requests in confidence.

Uniform for non-PE Days

Sky blue shirt or blouse/Sky blue polo shirt (item with logo available but not required)

Blue/silver striped school tie (optional)

Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan (preferably with school logo but plain sweatshirts are acceptable)

Grey tailored trousers or shorts/grey skirt or pinafore

Grey, black or white socks/tights

Black or brown shoes (not trainers)

Blue gingham shorts/dresses (optional - summer months)

All children will require a waterproof coat in school on any day when there is any chance of rain.

Our youngest children spend a lot of time outdoors. Class teachers may ask children to bring wellington boots to school to be used in wet weather.

PE Kit

Games and PE kit

Royal blue school PE T-shirt/Royal Blue Plain T-Shirt

Black shorts/jogging bottoms

Trainers (Please only send lace-up trainers if your child can tie them independently. Velcro fasteners are a good alternative otherwise.)

Plain dark sweatshirt/School sweatshirt (no tops with logos other than school logo please)

As PE Kit still forms part of school uniform, we ask that children wear plain sweatshirts/jogging bottoms rather than ones with large logos on.

PE Kit1

To allow all items of lost clothing to be quickly reunited with their owners, we ask that ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED.

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