Online Learning Links and Resources
Below are the sites the school subscribes to and which are mainly used in Y1-6. Your child will need their username and password to access these sites. Class teachers will be able to provide you with these details should your child not be able to remember them.

Below are links to websites containing games and activities to support learning at home:
BBC KS1 Bitesize - Foundation Stage - Y2
IXL Maths and English - Foundation Stage - Y6
The Imagination Tree - All Ages
Stories and poems
Where the Wild Things are read by Mrs Cload
Dog in the Playground read by Mrs Cload
The Jabberwocky read by Mrs Cload
The Owl who was afraid of the dark read by Mrs Cload
Back to School read by Mrs Cload
The North Wind read by Mrs Cload
James Carter - Virtual Poet Visit - Once Upon A Star