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Emotional Health and Wellbeing Presentations for Parents

For the past year, the school has been participating in a government trailblazer mental health project along with other schools in the local area. The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) have been working with the Kennet School to provide parents  with an opportunity to attend information evenings.

The first evening ran in February 2020, which provided parents and carers with information and guidance on how to support their children’s anxiety needs -  “Understanding and Supporting Children and Young People Experiencing Anxiety”. This event was oversubscribed by over 100 parents and carers and the intention was to run more of these events, to enable more parents and carers to attend, however with the current Covid 19 restrictions this has not been possible.

The second online information event was launched on Thursday 19 November and is now also available to view. The focus of the second training event was "Understanding Depression and Low Mood.".

You can access both presentations remotely via the following links.



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