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Absence from School


If your child is unable to attend school, please phone or email the office by 9.30am at the latest.

In line with NHS guidance, we have a 48 hour no return to school policy for sickness and diahorrea to help stop the spread of these illnesses. Please notify us straight away of any contagious illnesses. 

Please don't keep your child at home if they have a cold, unless it is particularly bad. If your child has a temperature or you suspect that any cough is 'new and persistent' and may be an indicator of COVID-19, please do not send your child to school. Instead please arrange for your child to be tested. In line with current guidance, we ask that any child who has had a high temperature does not return to school for 48 hours after the temperature has gone down, even if they have had a negative COVID-19 test.

Your child should aim to have an attendance record that is above 95%.

We do realise that sometimes children have prolonged absences and are happy to work with parents to help children 'catch up' when necessary.



Leave of Absence

The Department for Education guidance states that parents are  "unlikely to get permission simply for a family holiday."

Please note that unless your holiday is an exceptional circumstance, we are unable to authorise a holiday during term time. Please make an appointment to see Mr Warrender if you think your reason is exceptional.

Exceptional circumstances may include: visiting seriously ill family; attending a close family member's funeral or if a pupil has  a family member in the Armed Forces who is returning from operations.

Further information can be found at:


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