As Chair of the Governing Board, I am delighted to welcome you as a visitor to our school website on behalf of my fellow governors. Cold Ash St Mark’s is a Church of England Primary School, as such, it is rooted in Christian values.
As a Governing Board team, we work in close partnership with the headteacher, his leadership team and the school staff in order to maintain, develop and sustain the highest quality of education that we are able to provide. Our core purpose is to see that each of our children is able to demonstrate:
the highest possible levels of personal achievements in their school work
strong and positive personal values and able to make a worthwhile contribution to life in and beyond school
the very best launch pad for the next stages in their educational development
In order to achieve this, the work of the Governing Board itself is becoming increasingly strategic. The annual budget of Cold Ash St Mark’s School now exceeds three quarters of a million pounds – every penny of which is seen by governors to be an investment in the progress of each and every child in our care. So that we are able to undertake our duties as effectively as we can, we have the following Committees meeting regularly to oversee the following key aspects of school life:
Learning and Progress Committee - Chair: Harriet Fidler
Finance and Premises Committee - Chair: Joanna Grew
Personnel Committee - Chair: Harriet Fidler
We are also keen to develop further the already strong parent/school relationships that we have. We’re enormously grateful to the St Mark’s School Association (PTA) Committee which raised around £20,000 last school year through tireless fundraising. This has produced tangible results in refurbishing the school hall, upgrading the school’s IT systems and improving the learning environment for the Early Years. All of this is a major contribution to the quality of learning in the school.
Chair, Cold Ash St Mark’s School Governing Board
Cold Ash St. Marks Governing Board is made up of:
3 Parent governors, who are elected by the Parent body
1 Authority governor, nominated by the Local Authority, appointed by the Governing Board
1 Staff governor, elected by the staff body
2 Foundation governors, appointed by the Oxford Diocese
3 Co-opted governors, appointed by the Governing Board,
and the headteacher.
Role of the Governing Board
The role of the Governing Board is becoming an increasingly strategic one. The annual budget of the school exceeds £750k - all of which is seen to be an investment in the progress of each and every child in our care. We work closely in partnership with Mr Mitch Warrender, the headteacher, his leadership team and the school staff in order to develop and sustain the highest quality of education that we can provide. We are also keen to develop further strong parent/school relationships.
Structure of the Governing Board
In order to discharge our duties as effectively as we can, we have the following Committees:
Learning and Progress - Chair: Harriet Fidler
Finance and Premises - Chair: Joanna Grew
Personnel - Chair: Harriet Fidler