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School Meals

Free Meals for 4 - 7 year olds

The Government has made provision for all children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One to receive a free school meal every day.

We hope that you will take up this opportunity as it provides children with a balanced meal in the middle of the day and it has been scientifically proven that children work better when they have eaten well.

Lunch time supervisors are on hand to help younger children cut up their food until they can do this independently. 

school dinner

Further information from Dolce Catering can be found in the document below:

Meals for 7 - 11 year olds

Unfortunately, these meals are not free, however we hope that children in Key Stage 2 will continue to choose to have a school meal.

Meals cost £2.77 and can be ordered and paid for online in advance.

There is always a choice of food available including a vegetarian option. If your child has other dietary needs please contact Dolce Catering who will discuss options with you.

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