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Should you require paper copies of any information from our website, please contact Mrs Snelling or Mrs Winfield in the school office: office@coldash.w-berks.sch.uk 

I would like to extend a warm welcome if you are looking at our school website for the first time. There is no substitute for visiting a school and I would love to show you around, so please contact Mrs Winfield or Mrs Snelling in the school office should you wish to visit. 

Mr M Warrender (Head Teacher)



School Uniform: You can purchase your uniform online at www.skoolkit.co.uk

Our School Association (PTA) also run a uniform shop should you wish to purchase preloved items of school uniform. Please contact Sarah for more details: 

runningsarah@hotmail.com     07453 328839


Please see below for a copy of our prospectus and for this year's admissions flyer.

During Autumn 23, we have a few places available in Y3, Y4 and Y6. Applications for a place at our school can be made through West Berkshire. Please click on the link below to visit the West Berkshire School Admission page.

School Admissions

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